April 2022 Update
FOWB’s VISION 2050: The Willunga Basin is a culturally, ecologically & economically cohesive community that has embraced climate change mitigation & adaptation. The Basin continues to provide sustenance through primary production within a landscape that reflects its ancient and modern bicultural character.
Strategic Planning: It’s been energising to clarify FOWB’s vision, purposes and priorities, which are summarised in the ‘Plan on a Page’ summary attached.
Collaboration and Liaison: Since its inception FOWB has engaged with community groups and all levels of government to achieve its aims. This is continuing, with regular meetings with Onkaparinga Council staff and members, and with local MPs. FOWB is represented in many local Community Groups such as the Willunga Environment Centre, Aldinga Conservation Park and Friends of Aldinga Scrub. State wide these include Community Alliance SA and the SA Conservation Council. Collaboration intensifies when issues become pressing and coalitions form and reform!
Submissions were made to:
City of Onkaparinga, re McLaren Vale Township Policy Review Discussion Paper, 22 March 2022
Department of Infrastructure and Transport, re Draft 2022-2023 Cycling Strategy for SA, 30 March, 2022
Ongoing Issues of this month’s Committee meeting were largely slow burning ones on which FOWB continues its advocacy:
Aldinga Suburban Neighbourhood Development
duplication of Main South Rd, particularly a suitable east-west cycle crossing
location of Sellicks Quarry overburden dumping
non- native planting on Council land and management of road reserves
noise of braking vehicles on Willunga Hill