December 2022 News Update
So this is Xmas, and what have we done…Well members and supporters, the answer is that we’ve been hard at it all year – with the absolute highlight being the declaration of the Aldinga Conservation Park.
We now plan to take a two or three week off before we jump back into the fray.
Thank you for your support this year. There are always lots of things to keep an eye on down here and it means a lot for us to know that we have a community of like-minded people behind us.
Main South Rd Duplication Project Stage 2
The SA Department for Infrastructure and Transport recently released the proposed design for Stage 2 of the Main South Road Duplication Project between Aldinga Beach Road and Sellicks Beach Road and invited community to Information Sessions held in the first 2 weeks of December 2022.
FOWB members who have examined the design are concerned that the plans for Stage 2 are over-engineered and display an approach that defies common sense, works against the underlying character of the area and involves spending much more taxpayers’ money than is necessary, for no good reason.
We have made a submission about our concerns to Tom Koutsantonis, Minister for Infrastructure and Transport, asking for:
current plans for the South/Aldinga/Aldinga Beach Road intersection be put aside and a new design be brought forward, configured as either a roundabout or a signalized intersection
planning for a 4-lane highway south of Aldinga be put aside in favour of extended overtaking lanes – perhaps resulting in a 3-lane solution incorporating several kilometres in total of overtaking lanes, together with a series of protected turning lanes - which should do away with the needless acquisition of the two homes adjacent the Victory Hotel
the design to be modified to incorporate safe pedestrian/cycling crossings where needed, especially but not only at or near the Victory Hotel
the current design to be modified as regards the provision of a full functionality intersection in its southern section to service Silver Sands and environs, including provision of proper accessibility for southbound traffic.
If you share FOWB’s concerns, please continue the conversation by sharing our response within your own circle and, even more importantly, consider making your own response to the Department for Infrastructure and Transport, Feedback to the Information Sessions which is open until Friday, 23 January 2023.
Planning System Implementation Review
After the election in March, the Minister for Planning, Hon. Nick Champion MP, commissioned an independent panel of planning experts to conduct a review of reforms to the planning system implementation, including:
the Planning, Development and Infrastructure Act 2016
the Planning and Design Code (and related instruments) as it relates to infill policy, trees, character, heritage and car parking
the e-planning system with a view to ensuring that it is delivering an efficient and user-friendly process and platform, and
the PlanSA Website with a view to ensuring its useability and access to information by the community.
FOWB has taken part in the consultation process with Community Alliance SA and made a submission to the Expert Panel on 16 Dec 2022.