January 2023 News Update
Thank you to those who responded to our previous call out to voice concerns about the concept plan for Stage 2 of the Main South Road Duplication Project between Aldinga Beach Road and Sellicks Beach Road.
The date for consultation has now been extended to Friday 3 February 2023, so we just have time to raise any specific concerns you might still have to the Department for Infrastructure and Transport (DIT).
FOWB Committee members have drilled down to 3 main achievable suggestions for changes to focus on now:
1 Modify the feed in lanes at the new Aldinga Beach Rd/Aldinga Rd junction. The proposed width is functionally unnecessary. It is a significant incursion on agricultural land in the Willunga Basin. It is an overuse of resources and excessive addition of tar and cement into the natural environment.
2 Ensure safe east-west crossings for pedestrians and cyclists between Aldinga and Sellicks by:
- proposing at least one safe crossing between Aldinga and Sellicks eg at the Cox/ Hahn Rd intersection
- supporting the Willunga Basin Trail’s submission that proposes ‘a pedestrian overpass be placed between the road reserve in front of the Victory Hotel and the triangle of land which would be formed by moving the Sellicks Beach Rd junction further south as in the Concept Map’
- and the re-engineering of the approach to Sellicks Hill and simplifying access to the Victory Hotel which would eliminate the need for the proposed property acquisitions.
3 Support our proposal to continue the shared use path along the western side of the of the new duplicated road to pass through Aldinga, thereby creating a major cycling t-junction at the Port Road intersection that will be well suited to traffic that is ‘passing though’. Recreational users will still be able to use the Old Port Road entry point currently proposed, to enjoy the ambience that this provides and to connect to planned coastal path to the west.
These (and any other) points can be made by filling out the Have Your Say Survey here: Fleurieu Connections Survey
By emailing the Project Team: info@fcalliance.com.au