May 2023 News Update
FOWB has promoted the need for a safe and enjoyable cycling track between Aldinga and Willunga for many years and we are pleased to hear that Onkaparinga Council has recently announced that the route for a shared use cycling and walking path between Willunga and Aldinga has now been finalised.
The path will provide a 5.8km link for families, riders, runners and tourists between the Aldinga Road/ Mainwaring Street intersection in Willunga and the Main South Road/ Port Road intersection in Aldinga. It will be off-road along Aldinga Road and the majority of Flour Mill Road. An on-road walking/cycling connection will be incorporated for a small segment along Flour Mill Road and Free Lane. The alignment of the path can be viewed on the Have Your Say website: Shared Path Plan
Council would now like to hear from the community about the design and associated planning. If you have any local knowledge, questions or concerns please share your thoughts with Council via its Have Your Say page Willunga to Aldinga Shared Use Path, open until 4 June 2023.
Duplication of Main South & Victor Harbor Roads (Stage 1 & 2)
We have continued to discuss our concerns about this project with our local MP and the Minister for Infrastructure & Transport, particularly in respect of the duplication of Main South Road. However we fear that we have had little impact on the design and construction of these roads. Here is a recent: Letter to FOWB from Minister for Infrastructure and Transport
As can be seen, the hoped for cycling and pedestrian underpass at Aldinga is not being built, which is a huge, missed opportunity in the midst of the gargantuan civil works currently underway. We have now turned our attention to the east-west crossings in Stage 2, including seeking a better solution at the Victory Hotel.
Pt Willunga North Coast Park Concept Plan
Christine James and Yvonne Wenham represented FOWB at a stakeholder session on 30 March 2023 to look at the Updated Concept Plan for the Port Willunga North Coast Park, extending from Maslins to Pt Willunga. Although we were pleased to see that the plan had progressed but were concerned that several issues we have been raising since 2020 have not been resolved in the latest plan. Here is FOWB response to download: FOWB response to PWNCP Concept Plan March 2023
We continue to work through these issues with the City of Onkaparinga Coast Park Project Team. Following deputations to last week’s Council meeting from both FOWB and Friends of Pt Willunga, further detailed design work is to be undertaken over the next three months ahead of a decision to proceed to construction later in the year.
Water Assets Strategic Review Community Reference Group
The City of Onkaparinga has been considering whether it should be in the business of owning and operating Community Wastewater Management Scheme (CWMS) assets and the Water Business Unit’s stormwater harvesting/alternative water supply scheme.
To assist with answering this question, council has already undertaken two phases of community engagement which in 2022 included an online community survey. A third phase of engagement is now proposed via the establishment of a Water Assets Strategic Review Community Reference Group to deepen consideration of council’s approach to owning and operating water assets and better understand what the community values regarding council’s water assets.
Our submission from that time can be downloaded here: FOWB response to Water Assets Strategic Review
FOWB Committee will be nominating a person to represent our interests. But if you would like more information or want to nominate yourself, see Onkaparinga Have Your Say Water Assets Strategic Review
Settler Spirits development proposal Blewitt Springs
For information, FOWB has lodged a representation against the proposed development of a 1,080 sqm, 550 person tasting facility – also known as a shop – by Settler Spirits on Whitings Road. The nub of our representation is that the proposed development is fundamentally at odds with the Desired Outcomes specified for the Hills Face Zone in the Design Code. Rather, the focus of the zone is on preservation of Natural Character (as defined) and low intensity land uses. In our view, the application should be refused on these grounds. Preservation of the integrity of the Hills Face Zone is essential and we need to beware the thin end of the wedge working against these first principles.
Planning Reforms
head of the release of the State Government Planning Review, the City of Onkaparinga is calling for planning reforms in areas central to our reason for existing. We ask you to read their communication below and contact your local MP requesting immediate action.
For many of us, our local MP is Leon Bignell. His email address is:
As Council puts it:
Planning reform is controlled by the State Government but affects our community and the place we call home.
We believe the new planning legislation introduced in 2021 favours developers, resulting in weak tree protections, difficult-to-enforce heritage controls, reduced appeal rights and the lowest sustainability building outcomes in the nation.
We know our community wants stronger sustainability and design controls, better protection for local heritage places and the reinstatement of community voices.
As the expert panel delivers its independent review, we're urging all Onkaparinga residents to keep pushing for changes to the state’s planning system. You can do this by contacting your local MP or Minister Champion to have your say and effect some positive change before the reforms are adopted in Parliament.
The four key outcomes Council wishes to see in Planning reforms are:
Sustainable design
Improved tree protections
Stronger local heritage protections
Return of appeal rights for neighbours of new development.
As the formal community engagement period for the state’s planning review has finished, please get in touch with your local MP to have your say! You may wish to cut and paste the words under "THE DESIRED OUTCOME" and edit to reflect your views.
Please help us make a difference to our current planning situation.