July 2023 News Update
Port Willunga North Coast Park
FOWB, along with Friends of Pt Willunga and the Willunga Basin Trail are in ongoing discussion with Council regarding the detail of the planned path, especially as it relates to the Willunga Creek estuary and the associated dunes.
We are seeking good environmental outcomes, both in terms of how and where the trail down the dunes is constructed and as regards the level of environmental regeneration required to repair the current goat-tracked landscape. The removal of parking from Vincent Terrace and arrangements in lieu are also under discussion.
Aldinga Conservation Park
Management planning is underway for the newly declared Aldinga Conservation Park, taking in both the Washpool and the Aldinga Scrub. FOWB was one of several local groups who recently attending a planning session to learn more about the process and to discuss key themes, issues and opportunities. More to follow.
McLaren Vale Regional Water Security Strategy
A second MVRWSS workshop in June was attended by FOWB Committee member Lynn Chamberlain. Participants worked collaboratively to identify strategies to achieve the vision for water security for the next 50 years.
Onkaparinga Water Assets Review
The former City of Onkaparinga undertook consultation on the proposal to sell its water assets. The vote in Your SAY was against privatisation. The 'new' Council formed a Community Reference Group that has met four times to consider issues such as:
how other councils manage water, and
managed aquifer recovery.
FOWB is watching with interest. Our position is unchanged since the previous sale process faltered, especially as regards:
the undesirability of community waste water assets passing into private hands, and
the effect of septic restrictions on planning of the Sellicks development.
Residential Developments
The sale of Renewal SA’s land at Aldinga is underway again while rezoning to facilitate development of 1,700 new houses at Sellicks is pending. More news as it comes to hand.
South Road Duplication
Members will have seen the scale of the new road works at Aldinga, with more to come. Several months after public consultation on Stage 2 concluded, there is still no news as to whether any of the concerns expressed, particularly around east-west crossings, have been taken on board in project planning.
Aldinga Airfield
An application for a second airfield on Colville Road opposite Aldinga Airfield has apparently been made by parties associated with Adelaide Biplanes.
A sub-committee is working to consider FOWB’s response to this proposal. Alongside concerns about increased noise and aircraft movements over time, we also have fears that the proposal represents a step-change in the intensity of airfield activity in Willunga Basin and may be the thin end of the wedge for further change in the future.
Upcoming Events
Community Meeting
FOWB’s next committee meeting will be held at the Aldinga Library on Tuesday 25 July 2023, starting at 7.30. Aldinga residents and others who are interested to hear what we are up to are cordially invited to attend. Please RSVP to secfowb@gmail.com if you would like to join us.
A Musical Event
Gabriella Smart, internationally recognised pianist and contemporary musician (and FOWB Committee member) will be performing a FOWB fund-raising house-concert on Sunday 20 August 2023. Details to follow but save the date for the opportunity to experience something extraordinary. Learn more at Gabriella Smart – Piano
Our AGM is pending on Tuesday 29 August 2023. Formal notice will follow but do pencil in the date.
Please also consider whether you are willing and able to be part of FOWB’s ongoing efforts to monitor and advocate for good planning and environmental outcomes in our region. We especially need people who understand (all or some) of the various issues we deal with, have perhaps worked in a relevant field and are able to write. If this is you, please step forward.