October 2023 News Update

FOWB AGM, 29 August 2023

We were delighted to have Ben Taylor, Senior Wetland Ecologist, Nature Glenelg Trust talk about the steps towards hydrological restoration of the Aldinga Washpool, including:

  • the history of the NGT and their access to Green Adelaide funding for the Washpool Study

  • an introduction to the Indigenous and European history of the Washpool

  • hydrological studies and some alternatives for hydrological restoration

Nature Glenelg Trust website

And at last, the amendments to the constitution tabled at last year’s AGM have now been accepted and the new Constitution can be downloaded from the Friends of Willunga website.

Friends of Willunga Basin Join Us page

Committee for 2023/2024

Rob Bickford, Tom Gara, David Gill, Geoff Hayter, Christine James, Gina Kellett, Gabriella Smart and Yvonne Wenham are all willing to continue as committee members. We are very pleased to welcome Bridget Gardiner and Helen Seamark as new members of the committee.

Geoff Hayter will continue as Chair, Rob Bickford continues as Treasurer, Gina Kellett is now the Secretary and Tom Gara takes the minutes of meetings.

Committee meetings are held on the second Tuesday of each month at 7.30pm at the Willunga Environment Centre and members are welcome to join us to raise any issue of concern, find out more about how we operate or support our work. Please contact Gina Kellett, secfowb23@gmail.com if you want to attend any specific meeting.

Climate Conversations

The Conservation SA and South Australians for Climate Action are encouraging everyone to get involved in Community Climate Conversations and have their say on how SA achieves its target to reach net zero emissions by 2050 through government policy and individual action.

FOWB and the Willunga Environment Centre have already started recording conversations. We find that each small group addressing the issues takes less than an hour. So we are keen to do more. Please contact us secfowb23@gmail.com  if you wish to host or take part in a conversation.

Coast Park North Pt. Willunga

Friends of Willunga Basin, Friends of Port Willunga and Willunga Basin Trail have taken part in a series of stakeholder sessions run by the Coast Park Project Team, over the past few months. We have provided feedback about the detail of the Coast Park North Port Willunga Concept Plan and are pleased that the project team expects to present a revised plan to Council in November.

Greater Adelaide Regional Plan

Consultation is currently being undertaken by State Government on the Greater Adelaide Regional Plan Discussion Paper and submissions are due by 6 November. FOWB is preparing a submission, raising issues such as the emphasis on greenfield development, Victor Harbour Road being considered an adequate spine to make Victor Harbor & Goolwa sites for greenfield expansion of Greater Adelaide and failure to adequately plan for a net zero carbon city within the period of the plan. Members are encouraged to make a submission, it is of value regardless of how extensive it is, it can be done online.  

DA 23015823 – Lot 13 Colville Road, Aldinga

We have been made aware of an application to change the use of a portion of land at 13 Colville Road, Aldinga. This is yet another development application located on Colville Road opposite the current Aldinga Airfield.

This proposed development is for an industrial scale storage facility, 252 units in all. This will take up approximately half of this 40-acre block and is set out as long sheds on the boundaries of the area, which are then divided into individual units.

With the current airfield, the proposed new airfield / tourist facility and this industrial size storage complex, it amounts to extremely intense development in this rural zone. This proposal is totally at odds with the McLaren Vale Character Preservation legislation.

FOWB is currently preparing a response. If you are also interested in making a submission, the closing date for making a representation is 3 November 2023.

The Beach is not a Road

Bridgit Gardiner has joined our committee and has reported that “The Beach is not a Road” group has made a presentation and submitted petitions to Onkaparinga Council regarding driving restrictions and jet skis on Aldinga and Sellicks Beach.

They have also presented their concerns to the Hon Susan Close, Deputy Premier, Minister for Climate Environment and Water and to the Department for Environment and Water, with a very favourable response.


January 2024 News Update


July 2023 News Update